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Re: dump1090 in Debian

Hi Matthew,

(Please let me know if you're subscribed to the list so I can stop CC'ing

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 12:51:02PM -0400, Matthew Ernisse wrote:
> I committed the packaging work to pkg-hamradio/dump1090.  I started tagging
> versions, 1.09.1007.14+dfsg-6 is current.  It is also up on mentors, but
> for some reason the latest lintian runs there have been complaining about
> no compat version set but debian/compat contains '9'.

I don't seem to be able to build a package from your git repository. For
git-buildpackage to work it requires a certain structure. Also, the first
version into the Debian archives should be -1. I know there will be
revisions as you build packages, but the Debian revision number should only
be incremented when a new version is uploaded to the archives.

I would suggest moving your debian/ directory somewhere safe, creating a new
git repository, then:

git import-orig --pristine-tar <your-dsfg-repack>.tar.gz

Then move the debian/ directory back, add it and commit it. This will create
the upstream and pristine-tar branches for you, which will allow people to
recreate the orig.tar.gz from the git repository and use git-buildpackage
(and therefore git-pbuilder).

You'll need to allow non-fast-forwards to the git on alioth to push this.
I've noticed I messed up with the setup-repository script and as a result,
you are the only person able to access the git repository. Could you run on

chgrp scm_pkg-hamradio -R /git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git

In the file /git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git/config, just comment out the line
that denies non-fast-forwards when you push --force and then uncomment it
again once you have.

git remote add origin git+ssh://alioth.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git
git push --force --all
git push --force --tags

If you know more git than I do, you may know of a more elegant way of doing
this, but that's what I would do.

> I sent some messages to debian-mentors@lists.d.o.  I decided to Suggest:
> apache and provide instructions and examples to implement the web interface.
> It has been working on my RPi just fine for a few days now.  I also took
> the opportunity to disable filesystem access in the internal HTTP so there
> is less of a security concern.

This sounds like a good way to go with this. A dependency on apache would be
too much, but a suggest sounds good.

> No worries.  I'm fairly happy with the current state of the package.  I'm
> starting to put together a branch of changes to merge back to upstream.
> I'm travelling for work next week so I may not be able to make changes
> until I get back, so no rush.

Pushing changes to upstream is good. Have you had any luck with contacting
upstream yet?


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