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Re: xastir question

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 11:02:23PM -0700, Grant Bowman wrote:
> I'm an xastir, packet and APRS newbie.  I just installed xastir 1.1.  A
> few quick questions.  Should the files in /usr/share/xastir really be
> owned by root.root?  How can a regular user use the auto-mapping
> features like this?
> An example: I chose Maps...Locate Map Feature... and typed in my home
> town name.  It came back with errors.

/usr should not be writable by normal users. (Actually, it's allowed
to be mounted read-only, so even root can't write to it.)

If the auto-mapping feature needs to write into /usr/share/xastir,
it's buggy, so please file a bug report. The only places it could
write are /var (it would need special permissions, and this could
be a security hole), and $HOME.

What was the error message you saw?

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

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