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Re: Web page for the contest-distro is up

pa3aba@debian.org (Joop Stakenborg) writes:

> > How well do these logging programs handle rover operations in VHF/Microwave
> > contests, or does anyone know?
> Not sure if they can operate voice (I guess that is what you want).
> They might be focused on CW operation.

Hrm.  The big concern when roving is how scoring and dupe checking work... and
how easy or hard it is to deal with things rovers normally do.

The more I think about this, the more likely it seems that a really great log
program for contest roving of the kind I enjoy is unlikely to be the same
program as a great log program for HF contesting.  I may be wrong, but I bet
all the optimization-of-frequent-operation things will be different.  

I don't have time this week, but I'll try to take a look at the log programs 
you guys are all talking about next week and see what I think.

In the meantime, go for it!  This is a neat project, even if it isn't a perfect
solution for my personal logging needs the first time out...  :-)

73 - Bdale, KB0G

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