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Re: Packaging CX and tlf...

* Peter Lemken <peter@strg-alt-entf.org> [2002 Apr 21 06:48 -0500]:
> In fact, CT does not *need* any further
> development, since it it is more or less bugfree and works for 99% of all
> contesters' demands.

I lurk on the ct user mailing list (subscription info at
http://www.contesting.com ).  Most of the changes made the past year or
two are bug fixes, additional radio control for newer models and updates
for rule changes.

> Seeing that CX has actively been developped by a bunch of Germany's top
> contesters, I'd say that CX in the end is more practical than TLF because it
> uses CT's keyborad layout and thus makes transistion from DOS to Linux for
> any Linux Newbie a lot easier than TLF.

Anything to ease the transition will provide a boost.

I'm not sure how CX has opted to handle DXCC entities for DX contests.
Working with the phphamlog project I developed a file that is keyed on a
unique number for each entity from the ADIF spec.  Then I added
pertinent info from the ARRL DXCC list.  You may retrieve it from:


Enough documentation (hopefully) exists in the beginning of the file to
explain its layout.

Second, since any serious contest logging program must incorporate rig
control, may I suggest the hamlib project at:


This project's goal is to build a library that presents a consistent API
yet uses a number of backend libraries to talk to various ham shack

Perhaps some of the above will be useful to your project.

73, de Nate >>

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