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Re: Contest mini distro?

In article <[🔎] 200204192110.04459.pa3aba@debian.org> you wrote:
> Wouldn't it be nice to create a mini distribution specifically for contests?
> It would need the following:
> Debian based.
> Console based (no X).
> Small precompiled kernel (2.0 kernel would do) which can run on a 386.
> Contest software (we should check out CX and tlf)
> Packet radio and TCP/IP support.
> Small disk usage, e.g. 50 MB.
> Nicest way would be a bootable CD and logs stored somewhere on the network.

That would be spectacular and *just* what we need. Only pitfall: I am
not a programmer, thus cannot contribute anything to the effort of
getting the darn thing to work.

But first things first:

I will evaluate all the necessary programs from a contester's poj t of view
and summarize the necessary steps to slowly get things going. I have a
couple of ideas and your basic concept is just the right thing first.

I then can talk to my company's programmers and see if they are willing
to contribute certain things that pssibly need fixing in terms of code.

Since I am a sales manager, I would want to do the promotional thing once we
got a first clue at the scope of the project. I could also work on the
documentation and the press releases, get us slashdotted ;-) and start
lighting a huge bonfire under K1EA's chair (and mybe get him to contribute
the one or other thing).

Hey, let's get this sucker going!

Some additions to your list:

Log storage either on the network or via mounting an existing

Data File import from K1EA and N6TR logging software

Peter Lemken

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