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Contest software

El Friday 19 April 2002 09:49, Peter Lemken escribió:

> And a good system for logging in general. Logging for everyday DXing and
> ragchewing is the only reason I still have WINE on my system (for "Logger"
> by Robert Furzer).
X'DD That is the only reason for me to keep a "pen&paper" log ;-)

> BTW, with all the problems CT and other contest loggers have with real time
> keying under Win2k, a small Linux system for contests would make many
> amateurs and contesters in particular consider Linux as an alternative for
> their ham activities. After all, who wants to carry along a high-end
> computer just for contest logging?
Well, what about CX?
I have been with "experienced" contester (EA4URE and other contesters) and 
they LOVE CT just because it works and does exactly what it is expected.... 
it works with OLD computers... and it is updated.

if we want to use Linux for contesting we should keep ALL the data bases 
updated, country, contest rules/points...
The front-end is also VERY important for a contester, it HAS to ve quick and 
easy to use...
Improving CX may be a really good idea (maybe you have speak about it before, 
but i have just arrived) O:-)

Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles
	Coordinador KDE-es - KDE Spanish Translation Team
	http://www.kde.org/es  - http://es.i18n.kde.org

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