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Re: .la files

lør, 06,.05.2006 kl. 07.08 +0100, skrev Ross Burton:
> Can our esteemed new Evolution maintainer agree to remove the .la files
> from Evolution and Evolution Data Server shortly?

We have struggled a bit with a bug that was triggered by the removal
of .la from evolution. In the latest upload we put the .la files back in
while waiting for the real solution.

The symptoms can be seen when building something that depends on
evolution, for example evolution-exchange. Compile and linking succeed,
but the binaries that linked
against /usr/lib/evolution/2.6/libeutil.so.0.0.0
and /usr/lib/evolution/2.6/libevolution-addressbook-a11y.so.0.0.0 cannot
resolve those libraries, because RPATH is missing (can be seen with
objdump -p evolution-exchange-storage).

I have two questions. First, is it OK that another package links against
a library that is not in /usr/lib? Second, if the location of the libs
is OK, how can I make libtool put RPATH into evolution-exchange-storage
and other binaries linked against the two troublesome libraries? Is it a
bug in libtool, or must one set a flag to force RPATH in Makefile.am or

I hope someone can help with this, so that the .la removal process can

Øystein Gisnås
Debian Evolution Maintainer Team

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