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Re: galeon -- no advanced prefs


Thanks for your reply.  No I haven't found a fix for the certificate
problem.  The more I looked into the problem the more unbelievable the
situation appeared to me -- at least two wack-o things are happening:

1. Moving to Gnome2 and using gconf-tool.  It looks like some of the
   old menu choices are configurable using the command line
   "gRegEdit.exe" ... I mean gconf-tool.  Makes me wonder if Micro$oft
   distracted GNOME by pouring a little funding into the mono

2. galeon development is essentailly stalled as the lead developer
   quit to work on the mozilla^H^H^H phoenix^H^H^H firebird browser.
   Long term this is probably a good thing.  Short term is kind of

Makes we think very seriously about the K desktop...  Pity, I have
been relatively happy with gnome+galeon for almost 2 years.


On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 09:33:23AM -0700, Chris de Vidal wrote:
> Saw your post here:
> http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%22You+have+received+an+invalid+certificate%22&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&selm=20030422052010%242080%40gated-at.bofh.it&rnum=1
> I was searching for this error message:
> "You have received an invalid certificate"
> and found your post.  Well it looks like it's not
> Galeon, but Mozilla (Galeon is based on Mozilla and
> uses Moz's core code).  I don't know what the fix is,
> do you?
> Also, regarding this:
> "I recently did a "apt-get upgrade" of my box running
> sid and a new
> version of galeon was installed.  Now it appears as if
> lots of my menu
> choices have disappeared, i.e. the UI is dumbed down. 
> How can I get
> the menus back?"
> Sounds like Galeon 1.3.x has finally been accepted as
> the main version in sid.  1.3.x required a big rewrite
> for GTK+ 2.x and as such features were stripped
> because of it (they probably thought, "Let's get it
> working and then add the old stuff back in later."). 
> I don't like it either, so I switched to Mozilla 1.3
> weeks ago.
> Going back to Galeon 1.2.9 won't be an option because
> Moz was compiled against the new glibs.  Fun.  Going
> forward to 1.3.x is our only option.  Yuck.  On the
> bright side, Mozilla 1.3 is pretty good.  The most
> significant loss between Moz 1.3 and Galeon 1.3 is
> crash handling.  Notice I didn't say Galeon 1.2.9,
> which blew away any version of Mozilla.
> You'll probably get a faster response by using
> reportbug.  I've gotten fixes from the developers
> within hours using that tool.  It's nice.
> Have you found a fix for "You have received an invalid certificate"?
> =====
> /dev/idal
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