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"Run program" and ALT-F2


For the past few days, I have been unable to use the default ALT-F2
shortcut to bring up the "Run Program" dialog in GNOME 2. It is listed
as the shortcut both in the "Keyboard Shortcuts" preferences dialog and
in gconf, but nothing happens when I type ALT-F2. I have the same
problem with ALT-F1 to bring up the GNOME menu.

The strange thing is that all of the other keyboard shortcuts work as
they should. Even stranger is that if I change the default bindings for
"Run Program" and the GNOME menu to anything else--ALT-F3 and ALT-F6,
for example--they work fine. Change them back to ALT-F2 and ALT-F1 and
they are broken again. 

Furthermore, I can use ALT-F1 and ALT-F2 themselves to make assignments
within the "Keyboard Shortcuts" preferences dialog. It can't be as
simple as some other process that is listening for ALT-F1 and ALT-F2 and
grabbing them first.

I run sid and update daily, but I apologize that I didn't keep careful
enough track to figure out whether package upgrade might have caused
this problem. Has it happened to anybody else? Is there something that I
could check, read, or run to help get a clearer diagnosis?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions,

John Ashley Burgoyne

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