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Re: Editing window managers in control-center

On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 03:06:26AM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> >> "SH" == Steve Haslam <araqnid@debian.org> writes:
> SH> The latest gnome-control-center should start "wmaker -gnome"-
> SH> wmaker is a script to check you have the ~/GNUstep directory set
> SH> up, and then execs WindowMaker${flavour}.
> Currently, the staging area package calls WindowMaker-gnome
> directly. Should I change this?

I think so- I don't know whqat the effect of just running
"WindowMaker-gnome" is if you don't have a ~/GNUstep directory.

> SH> another one and set that up as you wish (e.g. I have an entry to
> SH> run "wmaker -gnome --no-dock --no-clip").
> Is this a reasonable setting to use as default? This way, wmaker won't 
> duplicate the functionality of the panel.

Perhaps- I was thinking of adding it as a second default, along with
an entry for Blackbox.

IMHO whether or not to use the dock+clip is a personal decision-
people who don't like the panel may want to just ditch that and keep
the dock and clip.

Steve Haslam               Debian GNU/Linux               araqnid@debian.org
orbit, gnome-libs, gnome-core, gnome-control-center, gdm, p3nfs,
theme-convertors, device3dfx. what, me worry?

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