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Re: LXD packages - feedback and suggestion related to lxd-agent and dnsmasq

Hi all,

I have another note about dnsmasq that may be considered a security problem.

I have installed LXD which installs dnsmasq by default (as a dependency before, but now as far as I see as recommended package).

The default configuration of dnsmasq makes it listen on all IP addresses. So it opens a DNS resolver to the public internet, which can be used in DDoS attacks. [1]

If I install dnsmasq explicitly myself I might be aware of that. Having installed lxd I did not think of this and expected dnsmasq to be used only locally.

Not sure how to deal with this issue. Is it possible to adjust dnsmasq config defaults when it becomes installed along with lxd? If not, it should be mentioned as a warning in package documentation somehow.

What do you think?

best regards,

[1]: https://www.bsi.bund.de/EN/Themen/Unternehmen-und-Organisationen/Cyber-Sicherheitslage/Reaktion/CERT-Bund/CERT-Bund-Reports/HowTo/Offene-DNS-Resolver/Offene-DNS-Resolver_node.html

Am 04.12.22 um 23:09 schrieb Sylvain Tgz:
Hello Mathias,

Thank you for your reply.
The bug is opened for dnsmasq suggestion.

@Clément, I just saw (by mailing list archive) that you had also
answered but I have not received your email. (I'm not subscribed to
debian-go mailing ling). Mathias did not have the same problem. I
think you have an issue ;)

Thank a lot


Viele Grüße,

Carsten Brandt

cebe.cloud - Carsten Brandt


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