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Re: Extending gdal, pdal, ... builds with tiledb

On 12/28/21 17:17, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| Your comments regarding builds suggests that tiledb isn't very stable
| yet, so even if the package get actively maintained, building on top of
| it may not be wise.

Hm, can you help me here and be more specific what section or sentence gave
you that impression?


 Once built, gdal and pdal also configure and build fine. (I think I had
 to comment one gdal test out because it was hitting an API entry point
 removed in the current TileDB 2.5.3 I used; and similarly disable a
 little bit of test code in pdal.

Long story short, and I apologize for not making that more clear in the
initial email, I was not sending it as "bug report" asking you to turn tiledb
on in gdal or pdal today. I know we do not have the components in place. It
was a public "hi and how is it going -- does anybody want to work on tiledb
in Debian" email.  I am not a point where I can do this for work (engineering
is more beholden to other build and distribution systems) and I do not have
_that_ much time myself with 180+ Debian packages as maintainer and also 60+
CRAN packages as author.  But I would love to chip in a team.

This clarification is very valuable, because it was entirely unclear to me what you tried to achieve with your initial email.

As I don't use tiledb myself, I'm not going to contribute to that package. I already maintain to many package I don't actually use myself.

You may find people through this list who do use tiledb and could contribute, and they are welcome to maintain the package within the GIS team instead of creating a new team. Manpower is very scarce in this team, it mostly give you existing infrastructure in the form of mailinglists and a Blends concept gives an additional avenue to find sponsors.

Kind Regards,


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