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Re: Membership of the debian-gis-team on Salsa (Was: salsa.debian.org (git.debian.org replacement) going into beta)

Hi Bas,

Just created my account too: kalxas-guest

Happy New Year!

On 12/25/2017 02:26 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
Hi all,

Now that the GitLab instance that is going to replace Alioth has entered
beta, it was a good time to create the Debian GIS Project team there:


It is also a good time to reduce the list of inactive members, so I
don't plan on adding all the members from Alioth.

For all non-DDs, please register an account on Salsa as documented in
the forwarded annoucement, and reply to this thread to request
membership of the debian-gis-team on Salsa. All DDs already have an
account and only need to request membership of the team.

It doesn't seem possible to give all DDs access to the repository like
on Alioth, so we'll have to grant membership to individual users.

I don't know yet when I'll start migrating the git repositories from
Alioth to Salsa. At the latest when Alioth is switched to read-only.

If you want to keep contributing to packages maintained by the Debian
GIS team, have a look at Salsa and request membership of the team.

Kind Regards,


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: salsa.debian.org (git.debian.org replacement) going into beta
Resent-Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2017 10:46:04 +0000 (UTC)
Resent-From: debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2017 11:45:37 +0100
From: Alexander Wirt <formorer@debian.org>
To: debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org

Since summer we have worked on our git.debian.org replacement based
on GitLab. I am really happy to say that we are launching the beta of
our service
today. Please keep in mind that it is a beta, we don't expect any database
resets, but under unexpected circumstances it might still happen.

The new service is available at https://salsa.debian.org. Every active
Developer already has an account. Please request a password reset via
https://salsa.debian.org/users/sign_in -- your login is either your
Debian login or Debian e-mail address. SSH Keys from udldap get synced
into your account.

Guest users

External users are invited to create an account on salsa. To avoid
clashes with
future Debian Developers, we are enforcing a '-guest' suffix for any
guest username.
Therefore we developed a self-service portal which allows non-Debian
Developers to sign up,
available at https://signup.salsa.debian.org.
Please keep in mind that your username will have '-guest' appended.

Project creation

Every user can create projects in their own namespace (similar to GitHub).


For larger projects you can also create a group to host your projects.
To avoid clashes with usernames (that share the same namespace as
groups) we are requiring
groups to have a '-team' suffix to their name.
Groups can be created using the same self-service portal
For larger, already-established teams it is also possible to ask us to
create the group with a
name not conforming to the normal team namespace. Examples are teams
like *debian-qa*. Please create an issue in the support[1] project.


If you want to allow other Debian Developers to work on your packages or
software, you can create projects within the
**Debian** group. Every Debian Developer has write access to projects
created in this group.
If you create a project within the Debian group, you are implicitly
welcoming all DDs to contribute directly to the project.

Guest users can only be added to individual projects with the Debian
group, but not to the entire Debian group. This is different to the
policy for the collab-maint group on Alioth.

GitLab runners

We won't provide any shared Gitlab runners for now. If you want to
sponsor resources for such runners please contact us.

Gitlab pages

We will support Gitlab pages in the future, but more work is needed
first. We will post an update when they
are ready.

Migration of repositories

We don't plan to do any automatic migration of alioth repositories. If
you use a repository and think it is important (!) migrate it on your
own. We will provide a read-only export of all repositories that weren't
exported after disabling alioth.


We want to run this beta at least for four weeks. If everything goes
well we intend to leave beta around the end of January.


Documentation of the service will happen in the Debian Wiki [2]. Please
feel free to enhance the documentation.
See also the upstream GitLab docs [3].

Getting help

If you have problems with the service you can reach us:
- IRC: #alioth@irc.debian.org
- Mailing list:
- Issue tracker: https://salsa.debian.org/salsa/support/issues
Don't expect us to be responsive during the holidays, so be patient :).

Request for help

If you want to take part in salsa administration please get in touch
with us. We want to have at least two more administrators
for the Gitlab instance.

Thanks for your attention

Alex on behalf of the salsa team

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/salsa/support
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc
[3] https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/README.html

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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