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Re: [DebianGIS] Debian Lenny - mapserver version

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 5:25 AM, Ivan Mincik <ivan.mincik@gista.sk> wrote:

> I would like to clarify the process of maintaining the mapserver package in Debian. Mapserver package is frozen in Lenny at version  5.0.3-3.
> There where lot of bug fixes done when reaching 5.2 version. So my question is: Is it really possible to backport all these fixes to Lenny's package ?

Probably not.

> Or, how it will be decided that some patch will be included to frozen/stable distribution?

The release team regularly posts their migration policy during the
freeze to debian-devel-announce:


Once lenny is out and mapserver 5.2 has reached squeeze (the new
testing), then it can be built against lenny and uploaded to
lenny-backports at backports.org.

"stable" in the context of Debian means unchanging (except for
security updates and other RC issues), not rock-solid.



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