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[DebianGIS] What should go into Lenny, aka Where 2.0

Hi all                                                                                                                       
This is the second message of my Status of the Map series for DebianGis.
In the past month my own efforts have beeen concentrated on stabilizing 
our major packages. As always it happens, our buildd network and britney
do their best in order to delay package migration, in a way or another :-) 

I'm CC to d-release because of interest for RMs.

So this is my wish list for packages that should enter Lenny and still
are waiting in the Limbo of 'still not in testing' for various reasons.

 * Mapserver 5.0.3-2 must enter Lenny, it has quite a good deal of upstream
   fixes and is working with gcc 4.3, the 5.0.2-3 currently in Lenny 
   is not (RC bug filed about that).
 * GDAL 1.5.2-1 should enter Lenny, it has many upstream fixes and
   it's in better shape than 1.5.1-4 at packaging level due to a wrong
   patch and some not-installed binaries. I'm going to include one
   more patch to fix an upstream issue. I doubt we will be in time
   for 1.5.3, which will be anyway a pure bug fixing release, so
   great and perfect.
 * GMT 4.3.1 would be nice to have in testing. GMT is stable and
   largely :-) used. It has some nice testing scripts that I use to
   check the package, so I'm quite confident it does not break
 * HDF4: i'm too conservative to consider 4.2r3 for Lenny. At least
   I fixed 64bit issues for amd64 and ppc3 in 4.1r4-22 which is
   currently in Lenny. So it should stay as is. Unfortunately, that
   implies that we have to live with a partial breakage of NetCDF 
   support in GDAL. But this was also true in Etch and we are
   still alive, so we can stay on hold and resist.
   The good news is that we will have great packages for HDF* supports
   in Lenny+1 \o/
 * Postgis 1.3.3 is a MUST. It fixes RCs and is ok to migrate to
   Lenny with one more patch that allow users to migrate softly
   their DBs.
 * Viking and mapnik should enter naturally Lenny AFAIK in a few.

 Now, other news:

 One nice news is that Paraview has been packaged by Debian Scientific
 Computing Team and that's great because a few people will be happy
 about that.


 A few packages are around in the svn repository and I could try to
 find time and motivation to work on them: 

 HDF5 update
 GDAL ECW plugin
 Grass 6.3 with/without wxpython support
 Qgis (still no news from other volunteers)

Francesco P. Lovergine

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