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Re: [DebianGIS] [ gpsdrive ] problems with manual build on Etch


On Aug 20, Hamish wrote:
> Joerg Ostertag wrote:
> > Maybe we can find a way or repostitory usable for etch too. 
> The DebianGIS team now sends its backports to the backports.org
> repository.
>   http://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis
> Once we have some sort of version stamped package it would be nice to
> send a package via that path, -- hold that thought -- I notice the
> infrastructure is already in place and active:
>   http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-grass/packages/gpsdrive/
> and gpsdrive 2.10~pre2-2 has now reached Debian/testing:
>   http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gpsdrive.html
> hot dog.
> so it should be a very possible thing for that to happen; a number of DebianGIS packages are already there; installation was smooth for me.
>  (looking forward to seeing qgis there too :)

I could prepare a 2.10~pre2 backport this week if it's worse it.
I've read on the gpsdrive list that the next (pre-) release is planned
for mid september. I believe it's best to wait until then to prepare a
new version for both unstable and backports. I know, 2.10-pre2 is
already very old and there was a lot of progress lately :)


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