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Re: [DebianGIS] Re: [GRASSLIST:8886] compilation problem

Hi all.
I agree with the comments from Hamish. I think the ideal situation would be to 
1- stable packages (now grass 6.0.1, qgis 0.7.4, gdal 1.3.1) in Debian testing
2- more recent ones (e.g. grass-cvs) in DebianGIS
3- current set of rules (preferably in the respective sites) for building 
packages (an INSTALL or README is a very good idea); I tend to disagree with 
Hamish, in that I think debian rules should work for latest debian testing: I 
guess people wanting to keep on stable would prefer to have stable packages. 
Of course, if we can have both, all the better.
Also, I think it would be good to limit the use of debian patches, fixing all 
what is possible upstream before release of stable versions.
Of course all this would put an extra pressure on developers, so I think it is 
fair if we can share the burden. I have quite limited skills, but I somehow 
succeeded in learning a few things, so I am ready to help.
All the best.

At 06:11, lunedì 07 novembre 2005, Hamish has probably written:
> [cc DebianGIS, hope that's ok guys]
> > > BTW, what do you think of packaging 6.1, at least for DebianGIS? I
> > > do not like  people still using the old grey gis manager.
> >
> > ... right - but Debian will never accept a non-released package,
> > right?
> Right. For my part, I think only official GRASS releases in official
> Debian is the correct way to go. On the DebianGIS repository we could
> host CVS packages of course. (I will not be the person packaging that
> but I am happy for them to exist. Package named eg as "grass-cvs", not
> "grass")
> [re. what is stored in the upstream GRASS CVS debian/ dir]
> I think it is better for us to have instructions on how someone can do
> this themselves (with working control files of course). I'm pretty sure
> it is just 1-2 commands. Maybe Paolo can help with these as I don't know
> the "correct" way. "cd /usr/src/grass-6.0.1/ && dpkg-buildpackage"?
> Put in grass6/debian/INSTALL or README? ditto for Redhat/FC rpm specs.
> The control file (in GRASS's source tree) needs to work on unstable but
> be backwards compatible with stable; but we need to favour stable..
> Trying to match moving targets is just too much work to keep up with on
> a weekly basis and creates unnecessary noise in the CVS history. i.e.
> keep everything generic so that say the GRASS version of the debian
> files will work on Ubuntu et al. as well if that is possible.. I don't
> think we should maintain upstream the Debian specific patches which are
> not intended for upstream, as then we are responsible for tracking/
> updating/fixing them whenever Debian changes.
> I would prefer that Steve H. or Moritz maintained the grass6/debian
> directory rather than myself. I am a Debian user, not a Debian devel
> and don't have the needed skills.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: cavallini@faunalia.it
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

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