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[DebianGIS] ready for gdal 1.3.1 in debain unstable

Would it be possible to move gdal-1.3.1 package to
debian unstable? I think now is the time (if 1.2.6 has
moved to testing).

I have tested with mapserver, qgis, and postgis and
found it to run well. Paolo has found some issues, but
looking  into it more, I think the problems arise from
testing and building on systems with that pull
packages from mixed versions of debian
testing/unstable and debian gis testing and unstable.

The best way to evaluate the quality of the gdal-1.3.1
package is to move it to Debian unstable were it can
be tested by a wider community, have access to bug
tracking, and be tested on pure installations of
debian unstable.


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