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[Pkg-grass-general] Mapserver debian package do not build (Was: mapserver)

[Thomas Sondag]
> Up-to-date mapserver package to 4.4.1 and sarge php version sync here :
> deb http://agrogeomatic.educagri.fr/debian sarge main
> I keep php cgi usage for that version for compatibily reason.

I tried building this one in Debian/Sarge, but failed.  It
build-depend on package php4-cgi-mapscript-dev, which is missing in
Sarge.  It this source package supposed to build in Sarge?

If I remove this build-depend from debian/control, the build starts,
but fail after a short while with this message:

checking for curl-config... /usr/bin/curl-config
        found libcurl version 7.12.3
        OGC WMS Client Connections enabled (-DUSE_WMS_LYR).
        OGC WFS Client Connections enabled (-DUSE_WFS_LYR).
configure: checking whether FastCGI support should be enabled...
        FastCGI support not enabled.
configure: checking HTTPD server (Apache) version...
checking for httpd... no
        'httpd' not found, skipping Apache version detection. You may want to use --with-httpd=/path/to/httpd
configure: checking whether we should enable debug features...
expr: syntax error
./configure: line 10098: test: too many arguments
        Enabling debug features: -g in CFLAGS and msDebug() to stderr (-DENABLE_STDERR_DEBUG).
configure: checking for PHP/MapScript module options...
checking for g++ -shared ... yes
        using 'g++ -shared' for dynamic linking
checking for location of config.h or php_config.h... /usr/include/php4/main/php_config.h
checking whether we have PHP3 or PHP4... -DPHP4
checking whether we should use PHP's regex... yes
configure: error:
!!! You PHP was compiled with PHP's bundled regex library.               !!!
!!! In this case MapServer and PHP MapScript must also be compiled       !!!
!!! using the same copy of regex.                                        !!!
!!! There are two possible ways to get rid of this error:                !!!
!!! 1- Download/extract and build the PHP source on your system (no need !!!
!!!    to 'make install') and use the --with-php-regex-dir=DIR configure !!!
!!!    option to specifiy the location of the PHP source tree where the  !!!
!!!    regex/*.o files are located.  This is the only way to build       !!!
!!!    PHP MapScript in an environment where PHP is configured as an     !!!
!!!    Apache DSO.                                                       !!!
!!! 2- Try to re-configure and re-compile PHP4 using --with-regex=system !!!
!!!    and then re-configure and re-compile MapServer.                   !!!
!!!    Note that PHP's --with-regex=system works only when PHP is        !!!
!!!    is configured as a CGI (that is without the --with-apxs and       !!!
!!!    --with-httpd options). So if you configured your PHP using        !!!
!!!    --with-regex=system and still get this error then make sure you   !!!
!!!    configured PHP as a CGI.                                          !!!
make: *** [configure-stamp] Error 1
debuild: fatal error at line 764:
dpkg-buildpackage failed!

Is this expected?  How do I get this package compiling in Sarge??

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