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Re: Pb de permission / serveur syslogd

> 	Bonjour,
> 	J'aimerai configurer une machine Debian 2.0 pour qu'elle recoive
> les messages syslog d'un routeur cisco, mais je dois avoir des Pbs de 
> permission :
>  qu'ai je oublie ??

	le -r :     
       -r     This  option  will  enable  the facility to receive
              message from the network using an  internet  domain
              socket  with  the syslog service (see services(5)).
              The default is to not receive any messages from the

              This  option  is  introduced  in version 1.3 of the
              sysklogd package.  Please  note  that  the  default
              behavior  is  the  opposite  of  how older versions
              behave, so you might have to turn this on.

> --
> Bertrand Orvoine
> I.U.P - Universite De Bretagne Sud	mailto:Bertrand.Orvoine@univ-ubs.fr
> 2 rue le Coat Saint Haouen		Tel:	+33 02 97 88 05 35
> 56325 LORIENT				Fax:	+33 02 97 88 05 51
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