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twemoji: twitter emoji svgs

hello Debian-fonts,

I would like to maintain a set of SVGs for most (all?) unicode emojis
in Debian-fonts. It consists of a set of SVGs (and, optionally, PNGs)
that are licensed CC-BY 4.0 [1]

[1] https://github.com/twitter/twemoji

I originally planned to maintain twemoji in Debian-js, because it also
contains javascript (node.js) code for generating emojis in web
applications. Unfortunately, this contains generated javascript code, so
the package would be non-free until twitter opens the code... [2]

[2] https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/pkg-javascript-devel/2020-October/045115.html

That's why I would like to package the graphics only for Debian-fonts.
Would you accept this?

Cheers and Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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