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Re: Sinus Firewall

On Mon, 27 Dec 1999 19:24:56 +0100, you wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 27, 1999 at 12:07:17PM -0500, Tim Sailer wrote:
>> I've been using it for a while. It's not real stable yet under the
>> 2.2 series kernels, but it works, and works well. It's really a 
>> full-state firewall for Linux, which has been missing for a long
>> time.
>The big question is where are its advantages over a set of ipchain rules
>that I create via vi or by using firewallct or gfcc or whatever is

ipchains is a stateless packet filter, sinus is a stateful packet
filter. For example, it's possible with Sinus to block incoming
connections from a single host if the last y seconds had more than x
SYN packets from that host.

Harald, *patsch* me if I'm wrong here ;)


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