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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Bay Area Debian Get-Together and Key-signing Party

Evan Prodromou wrote:
> (NOTE: Joey Hess told me I should send these announcements to
> debian-events-na rather than debian-devel or anything else. I'm not
> exactly sure -- my understanding is that debian-events-na is for
> convention coordination, etc. -- but I'll try anything once. If this
> *is* an inappropriate posting, please send nasty flames to Joey
> Hess. He is a very nice person and it will be an amusing novelty for
> him to receive flame mail. I, on the other hand, get flamed all the
> time, so I won't even notice. -ESP)


I think that anything from "3 of us are going out for a few beers" up is
appropriate for this list.

see shy jo
#include <std-wish-I-could-make-it.h>

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