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Re: Chemnitzer Linux Tage (CLT) Registration Deadline 4.1.2023

Hi Andreas, all,

On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 07:14:29PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Am Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 06:18:22PM +0100 schrieb Jan Dittberner:
> > I have not registered a booth (for personal reasons too) and I am not sure
> > yet whether I will visit the CLT this year.
> Sorry to hear this.  Has anybody else something?  If not I would like
> to contact organisers quickly.

I've registered 1⅓ Talks and as I am kind of dependent on friends
traveling to Chemnitz, I did not register a booth.

However, I am happy to help at a Debian booth and it would be great if
you could register one -- it would be a pity Debian not being present
at CLT this year.

Best regards,



GPG key: 4096R/617B586D 2010-03-22 Andreas B. Mundt--<andi.mundt@web.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andreas.b.mundt@web.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andi@muandit.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andreas.mundt@muandit.de>

         938A 5CEE 1E29 0DE2 55D9  AC98 B01F EA84 617B 586D



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