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Re: Call for Papers for LinuxTag 2010 (9.-12.06.2010)

Hey Marko,

contrary to what I've read and heard, you still (or again) seem active
for LinuxTag. :-)

On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 10:42:11AM +0000, Marko Jung wrote:
> LinuxTag's call for papers [1] ended this weekend. As program co-chair I  
> am pleased having received a new all-time record of abstract  
> submissions. Nevertheless, surprisingly there is a all-time low of  
> Debian related talks: we just got two entries in our database :(

Let me guess, one of them is mine? If not, it should be rather three.

> The program committee will start putting a initial draft together
> this week, but if you develop a good idea what to talk about during
> FOSDEM, please do not hesitate to submit a proposal then.

I'll have a look. I'm organising the Debian booth at FOSDEM. Maybe we
get some ideas there. Although to my knowledge no DD from around
Berlin will be there (at least not at the booth)... So one result
could be that I send in a second Debian related talk proposal. I just
can't promise anything.

		Regards, Axel
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