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Re: Debian Birthday Party in Germany


On the website, there is written, that the party starts after lunch at
12 o'clock. Does that mean that a) the party includes the lunch (or is
lunch before 12 o'clock but not included in the party?) and b) that
anyone who comes later will miss anything important?

If so, is there the possibility to arrive late friday evening and
sleep long so that you are in a good condition when the party begins?
A nice place to park my one-man-motor-home would suffice. :-)

		Gruß, Axel
/~\                                   | Axel Beckert
\ /  ASCII Ribbon Campaign            | abe@deuxchevaux.org
 X   Say No to HTML in EMail and News | abe@fsinfo.cs.uni-sb.de
/ \                                   | http://abe.home.pages.de/

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