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Re: [presse] Re: Debian @ LSM

Le jeu 22/05/2003 à 21:35, Axel Beckert a écrit :
> Hi!
> On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 01:57:52PM +0200, Ludovic Pénet wrote:
> > > > I heard that there will be several Debian-related activities at LSM 2003.
> > > > Who is in charge of its coordination?
> > > Damn, they perfectly managed to hide this event from the interested public by
> > > 
> > >     a) not announcing it (at least not enough - see below)
> > It was announced in France.
> Being so close to the German and Luxembourgish (sp? :) border, it
> should also be announced at least in Saarland and Luxembourg. 
It is announced in Luxembourg. Some members of the organisation teams
contacter LUGs from Saarland several times, with no success. If you can
help, you are welcome, we translated our press release in German.

Even if I'm no more living in Saarland, I plan to put up some LinuxTag
> posters at Saarland University (if noone else already did or plans to
> do). I can also put up some for LSM, if needed. (Just contact me.
> Joey: Will contact you for LinuxTag posters after checking if someone
> else already plans to. Last year noone seemed to put up LinuxTag
> posters at least in the CS building. But the posters I hung up in 2000
> and 2001 still hang. :-)

> > >     b) finding the same date as LinuxTag
> > LinuxTag and LSM do not have the same public.
> As far as I heard they do have quite similar public, at least
> regarding developers.
It is because you are only looking at the "technical" sessions. The
first goal of the LSM is to promote free software to the public, through
"mass audience" sessions.
Moreover, if you have a close look to the technical sessions, you can
see that we have a different approach, prefering "in depth" discussion
of topics.

> And the organisers tried to make it more
> international (to get sponsored by the EU besides other reasons :)
No, the international side was always part of the LSM contract. The
european funding of last year was an opportunity, we did not ask for it
this year. Last year, there were over 50 nations represented at the LSM!

> > As the public of the two meetings is not the same, I have little
> > problem with this conflict.
> I really don't believe, that this still counts, if the location is so
> close to Germany. Even on this list, you found very quickly three
> people, who would have visited both events.
> I urge the LSM organisers to really take care of these issues, if it's
> held again in Metz next year. (In the hope, it's held again in Metz
> and I hope the Unix-AG Saarbrücken will be able to help next year. :)
Lots of people urge, and they are right to urge. I urged too, but it was
this way or nothing. As we are not a commercial company but a somewhat
bazaar-ic organisation, nothing can be promised. Every LSM edition is a
long sprint.

What I can tell you is that the LSM can be held in a very short period:
when students left the university and this last is not yet closed. That
is, the two first weeks of July.
I can also tell you that the next edition should be in Bordeaux.

I hope this helps.

Thank you for yor interest in LSM, we shall be pleased to see yoy in

Best regards,


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