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Re: Debian at FOSDEM2002

Gordon Fraser wrote:
> Are there any news about Debian at Fosdem 2002? As it's been quiet
> around that topic I fear there won't be an additional Debian meeting.
> In that case, how about the few Debian-leftovers still going to Fosdem
> meeting for keysigning and technical chitchat? :-)

Just manage to meet at FOSDEM, there will be about 5-6 Debian people
attending the conference.  The easiest thing would be if one of you
selects a location and time for a meeting, announce it and just be
there at that time.

Everything else to organize seems to be difficult since there's no
booth (there's no exhibition area either) and noch Debian workshop or
talk, so no official Debian meeting.



GNU GPL: "The source will be with you... always."

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