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Re: Debian @ Linux-Kongress, Enschede, The Netherlands, November 28th - 30th

Joost van Baal wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 12:14:58PM +0100, Joost van Baal wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 11:48:00AM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > > 
> > > Then scratch that.  Remind me on Tuesday evening to take some of
> > > the remaining LinuxTag CD's with me (pre-woody)
> > I will remind you.
> I do now!

Added to the box.

> On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 12:20:43PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > Joost van Baal wrote:
> > > Could anybody get flyers printed, to hand out at the booth?
> > Good point, I still have a lot of english/german ones.   Remind me on
> > tuesday to move them to the bags for Enshede.
> One more!

Added to the box.

> I'll leave by car for Enschede within 3 hours (I hope).  Joey, at what
> time do you arrive?  I assume there's a place in the woodhouse this
> nigth, is there somebody on the terrain tonight who can show me the way?

The plan is to leave Oldenburg between 8-10am tomorrow morning and
arrive sometime between 11-12am.  However, weather reports are
wonderful, they told me that I have to expect *SNOW* tomorrow, so it
may be a real fun trip.  I hope that nothing serious is going to
happen on the streets.  I'll dump you a phone number privately later.

> I'll bring with me:
>  A Sun SPARCStation 20, running Debian GNU/Linux (woody), with a big monitor
>  An Intel Pentium 187 running Debian GNU/Hurd (I planned to have X
>   running on it, didn't succeed (yet)), with an old small monitor

>  Some UTP cables
>  A hub
>  Some powercables
>  50 Tshirts, to sell
>  A poster

I'll take with me:

Notebook, small switch, camera, some power cables, one extension cable
if I find an unused one, flyers, posters, cds, pins, tuxes, wavelan,
microphone for tv.  Anything left?

When I find enough time to test I may take a decstation with me as
well, which will be served from my laptop or standalone.  That
requires some testing, not sure I'll manage that tonight.  It would
run headless, but Debian unstable and would definitively rock next to
a sun.

> People who'll help with the booth:
>  Martin "Joey" Schulze (all days?)

Yes.  The most problematic day is Wednesday which is already dedicated
to Debian@Linux-Kongress, so the other days don't matter anymore.

>  Michael Bramer (which days?)
>  Thomas Lange (which days?)

both all, I guess.

> Joey, on thursday afternoon Jos, a friend of mine, who offered to help
> with the booth is coming.  Would it be possible for him to get in for
> fl 0,-?  He is not gonna attend any talks.

Then of cource yes.

Hmm. somebody asked about the woody houses.  I don't think that the
one will be opened tonight already, I'd expect it tomorrow and the day
after only.  However, when in doubt, please ask Martin Schulte or
Marielle Klatten who are organizing the event.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

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