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Bug#1041293: elpa-boxquote: New upstream release 2.3

Control: tags -1 pending
X-Debbugs-CC: Tobias Frost <tobi@debian.org>

Hi Xiyue,

Xiyue Deng writes:

> Hi Amin,
> Amin Bandali <bandali@gnu.org> writes:
>> Hey Manphiz,
>> Thanks for the patch!
>> However, looking at https://salsa.debian.org/emacsen-team/boxquote-el
>> I see we have an 'upstream' branch in the repo, for tracking latest
>> upstream commits.  But it appears that for your MR you essentially
>> cherry-picked the commits from the upstream repo, resulting in
>> different commit hashes.
>> But we'd like to preserve the original upstream commits, including
>> in the 'master' branch where we have the 'debian' packaging directory.
>> So, you'd want to add to your local clone of the boxquote-el repo a
>> new remote pointing to the upstream repo residing on GitHub, fetch the
>> remote, pull from its 'main' branch into our 'upstream', then merge
>> the 'v2.3' tag (now the tip of 'upstream') into our 'master' branch:
>> cd boxquote-el
>> git checkout upstream
>> git remote add upstreamvcs https://github.com/davep/boxquote.el.git
>> git fetch upstreamvcs
>> git pull upstreamvcs main
>> git checkout master
>> git merge v2.3
>> # followed by the rest of your changes (to the debian/ dir)
>> You may be able to use tooling to automate this (e.g. using 'gbp' from
>> the 'git-buildpackage' package), or do it manually as shown above.
>> It's a bit inconvenient since you're not [yet] a member of the Emacsen
>> team or the repository itself, so you won't be able to do this in the
>> emacsen-team/boxquote-el repo itself just yet.  Please do this in your
>> own fork - push your updated 'master' and 'upstream' branches and the
>> new 'v2.3' tag - and let me know.  I'll then pull your changes from
>> your fork into emacsen-team/boxquote-el.
>> Lastly, once ready, would you like to try uploading your changes to
>> mentors.debian.net and open an RFS (Request for Sponsorship) bug for
>> this?  It might be a useful exercise for your future contributions
>> as well. :-)  (ref: https://mentors.debian.net/sponsors/rfs-howto/)
>> Please let me know if anything's unclear or if you have any questions
>> or comments.
>> Thanks,
>> -a
> Thanks for the detailed instructions!  This was one of the early
> packaging works and I didn't really understand the workflow back then.
> Glad to have your help!  I've now reworked the merge request[1] and sync
> an upstream branch in my repo, also opened another merge request[2] for
> updating the upstream branch in the team repo.  I've also built the
> package using gbp and uploaded to mentors[3].  I didn't create a tag as
> I don't think gitlab support merge requests for tags.  Also I didn't
> file a separate RFS bug yet as I may have to update the changelog to
> close that bug again, or maybe I can just manually close that later.
> Anyway, would be great to have your suggestions again.
> Thanks again, and PTAL.
> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/emacsen-team/boxquote-el/-/merge_requests/3
> [2] https://salsa.debian.org/emacsen-team/boxquote-el/-/merge_requests/4
> [3] https://mentors.debian.net/package/boxquote-el/

Cheers, and thanks for the quick update.  Looks good to me.

I've merged both your MRs, though I did so directly, by pulling from
your fork and pushing to the corresponding branch of the main repo
under emacsen-team, to avoid merge commits (particularly important for
the 'upstream' branch where we want our history to exactly match that
of upstream repo's main branch).  I also added an annotated, signed
'debian/2.3-1' tag pointing to the latest commit, since like you said
you couldn't do that at the moment.

And yeah we don't really *need* an RFS bug here, since I'm asking Tobi
to sponsor the upload for us.

Tobi, would you please sponsor the upload from mentors to unstable?


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