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xemacs html-mode is driving me nuts...


Some of the features of the html mode of xemacs 21 is driving me absolutly
mad. It is nice that the html mode uses the psgml engine. But why the hell,
can't I get just a normal html edit mode? I know, that you have to have a
closing tag for empty element like <br> in XHTML, but html 4.01 doesn't need
it, and a lot of browser do a double linefeed. But if I don't close the <br>
tag my indent is completly fragged up. BTW it doesn't even accept the second
way <br /> for signalling a empty element... (at least most webbrowser would
have accepted that one...

I just wanted to write a small html page like I used to do, but with the
my actual installed elisp package coming from a knoppix 3.2 I just can't do
that anymore.

Can someone tell my how to get back to a normal html 4.01 mode???

blue skies
	Jan, extremly annoyed by his usually most favorite editor/os

dpkg -l | grep xemacs
ii  xemacs21       21.4.6-8       Editor and kitchen sink
ii  xemacs21-bases 2003.01.27-1.1 Editor and kitchen sink -- compiled elisp su
ii  xemacs21-bin   21.4.6-8       Editor and kitchen sink -- support binaries
ii  xemacs21-nomul 21.4.6-8       Editor and kitchen sink -- Non-mule binary
ii  xemacs21-suppo 21.4.6-8       Editor and kitchen sink -- architecture inde
-- Jan Christian Albiez -- IDS Interactive Diagnosis- and Servicesystems --   
-- FZI -- Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14 -- 76131 Karlsruhe -- +49 721 9654 206 --
-- segmentation violation in module reality.o ...
                            ... please shutdown your universe and reboot --

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