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Bug#1050289: Predicatble temporary directory and file names and insufficient error checking

Package: sitesummary
Version: 0.1.54

sitesummary-client runs during boot and via cronjob with superuser privileges.
It creates both a directory with a predictable naming scheme: /tmp/sitesummary-<PID>.

Due to insufficient error checking a user can pre-create directories
which then will prevent its creation and prevent the script from changing the
current working directory before creating lots of temporary files. In case of
a cronjob the current working directory will be /root and during boot it will
be /. Thus during boot a tar file of the root directory will be created on /tmp
which may fill up the /tmp or root partition depending on disk size and
partition scheme.

Furthermore, the script will create the tar file following the same naming
scheme /tmp/sitesummary-<PID>.tar.gz which in the absence of kernel symlink
protection allows for symlink attacks.

Guido Berhoerster

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