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Bug#1041323: CFEngine agent connection errors

Am 10.08.23 um 11:12 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
> Indeed, cfengine3 for Debian Edu is only designed to be used for post-install adjustments, not for regular / continuous config management.
> So, disabling the cfagent (cf-execd) service should be the way to go (we won't loose functionality compared to previous Debian Edu versions), the cf-agent run should happen only based on the local configuration files shipped by debian-edu-config.

Before we start changing anything here it needs to
be cleared up with the cfengine3 maintainers what
the default of cfengine should be. Right now it is
inconsistent,depening on whether systemd is installed
or not, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1043353

Guido Berhoerster

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