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Re: [proposal-manual] Section: Installation using USB flash drives instead of CD / Blu-ray discs

Forgot options.

On 5/12/19 3:15 PM, hoxp18 wrote:
To: Debian Edu team,


A proposal for the manual. It's about "dd" "of" device path,
since "school teachers with IT knowledge" are potential readers.

Installation using USB flash drives instead of CD / Blu-ray discs

sudo dd if=debian-edu-amd64-XXX.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1024

Use fast USB stick such as MLC type especially for BD image,
since cheap ones are very slow on write operation.

lsblk # confirm the system state, BEFORE INSERTING USB STICK.

lsblk -p # confirm the system state, BEFORE INSERTING USB STICK.

lsusb # confirm your USB stick.
lsblk # confirm your USB stick device path such like "/dev/sdX".

lsblk -p # confirm your USB stick device path such like "/dev/sdX".


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