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Bug#699880: debian-edu-config: On diskless workstations Kerberos fails to get imap and smtp service tickets

Package: debian-edu-config
Version: 1.453
Severity: normal


if a diskless workstation uses tjener as LTSP server krbtgt fails while 
requesting service tickets (imap/smtp).

This is due to a line (added by ltsp client startup configuration) in 
/etc/hosts ( server).  While setting '<LTSP server IP> server' 
is o.k. for thin clients (runlevel 4) this isn't correct for runlevel 3.

For diskless clients the line containing 'server' should be deleted 
during startup. This could be done by dropping a configuration code 
snippet into /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/ltsp_config.d/.  Find this
file attached.


# Store this file as /opt/ltsp/$arch/usr/share/ltsp/ltsp_config.d/debian-edu-fix-etc-hosts

# This code works around a Kerberos problem for diskless workstations using
# tjener as LTSP server.  A Kerberos tgt would otherwise request service
# tickets from "server", not "tjener.intern" -- other problems may occur, too.
# This fix deletes the line that is wrong for runlevel 3 (diskless workstation).

# Wait until /etc/hosts is writeable.
if [ -w /etc/hosts ] ; then
    echo "Start fixing /etc/hosts. $0"
	if [ "$(runlevel | cut -d" " -f2)" = "3" ] ; then
	    sed /server/d /etc/hosts > /tmp/hosts
	    cp /tmp/hosts /etc
	    rm /tmp/hosts
    echo "Fixing /etc/hosts done. $0"

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