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Email address help and help with dictionaries-common Ispell error message during Etch install -- trying to get computers set up for 8th grade classroom

Well I got two computers to install etch successfully where the screen was blinking before.  I had 512 more of ram on one, so maybe that was the problem.  When I get home I will try it on the one that can't get past the 'dictionary' error.

I noticed that when I search on google now I find my posts on napple with my full email address visible.  I realize this list is publicly posts, but I never thoght my email would be visible.  I really don't want to get tons of spam -- does anyone know how I can disable it so my email address doesn't publicly show.



On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Fco. Sergio Saraiva <saraivalc@uol.com.br> wrote:

RAM memory?  256 MB?  video memory shared? setup it to 8MB.

Try do installation process with network cable disconnected.


Em 20/10/2009 12:59, tlang80@gmail.com < tlang80@gmail.com > escreveu:

Thanks Sergio,

I still got the same error, unfortunately.  I have to go to school now, but I'm pretty sure it's a pentium IV computer -- I'll get the exact specs later.

I'm still getting the dictionaries-common: Ispell dictionary error that I mentioned in my last email.

I pressed F1 and typed the command you gave.  It's sooo strange, and you'd think it would work being that I'm using the Etch DVD final release version.

Could there by other commands or workarounds I might use?  I noticed this time the installation went at least to 87 % but somewhere it fails at the dictionaries-common step.



On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 7:03 AM, Fco. Sergio Saraiva <saraivalc@uol.com.br> wrote:

I had some errors that you reported...
and they had relation with hardware: mother-board, processor, chipset.

Which your hardware specifications with problems? 

Try install using others boot parameters or non-graphical installation, typing at boot prompt:
(hit  "F1 key" to see help and others options)

By example, typing: 
install pci=nommconf

Sergio Saraiva

Em 20/10/2009 11:41, tlang80@gmail.com < tlang80@gmail.com > escreveu:

Hello everyone,

I will try diskless clients, but for now I'm still trying to get the DVD install of the release version of Etch to go through fine (and if I remember right I get this same error even with the CD install).

It's occurred on multiple machines, so I don't think it's a hardware issue.  I also bought new DVD drives in case it was the drive failing, and also burnt additional CDs in case it was the CD, and in every case I get the following error:

Dictiniaries-common: Ispell dictionary
Installation step failed.

An installation step failed.  You can try to run the faliing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.  The failing step is:  Select and install software


What's weird is that the 'select and install software' step goes to at least 70 %, so everything is in stalling fine, but for some reason it just can't get past the above error.

Then when I try to redo the step it just keeps failing, almost as if it can't read the DVD drive anymore -- but it's a brand new DVD drive.

Does anyone know a workaround for this?

Thanks so much,


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