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Re: cipux in NEW queue

Patrick Winnertz skrev:
> Kurt Gramlich schrieb:
> Hey Guys,
>> Not ldap date but it builds up a ldap tree. Regard CipUX with its
>> functions more as a replace for webmin as a replace for wlus.
>> AFAIK DebianEdu configures his own LDAP tree since we are using
>> Openldap.
>> Did you test that it gets not removed during a purge?
> Yes. As I see it, it is not possible to remove cipux completely from the
> system and having everything as before.
>  => violation of the debian policy.

What is left behind, stuff in the configuration file(s), or data in the
ldap-db ?
I think the later is okay, if slapd is still able to run with cipux

>> To build up a ldap tree has to be, anyway which one. Without you
>> are not able to use ldap.
>> So in my view it is not a violation of our policy.
> You modificate things of another package... if we can't use the other
> package without doing that or not is not important. The only important
> thing is here that config files and data of another package is changed.

The modification could easily be done in debian-edu-config, and until
slapd.conf and nsswitch.conf is changed to allow inclusion of other
files (*.d.../), debian-edu will still need to violate the policy.

> So this _is_ an violation of the debian policy.

slapd could easily be configured to be cipux ready using
debian-edu-config (sample config file symlinked to overwrite slapd.conf,
cfengine stuff or ...)

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
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