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Re: nx and ssh restrictions?

Trond Mæhlum skrev:
> We would like to set up nx login for our teachers. This seems like the
> best way to provide access from home. We are experimenting with
> nxbuilder, which seem to work great.
> But when ssh is set up, it is also possible to do ssh straight into the
> server as a user. We do not want this.

use AllowUser(s) in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

something like
AllowUsers root@10.0.*.* nx *@localhost

> I thought that an nx login was performed as the user 'nx' with a key.
> Then the user logs onto the server through the tunnel set up by nx. This
> doesn't seem to be right. When I try to edit the ssh config to allow
> only nx, an nx login as user does not work anymore.

When a user logs in, it logs in as user nx, then the nxuser logs in as
the real user using ssh <user@localhost>

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
EE2A71C6403A3D191FCDC043006F1215062E6642 062E6642

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