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Changing CVS to SVN


During last weekends developer gathering,  it was discussed to change the CVS 
repository on developer.skolelinux.no to SVN. This is a issue that has been 
raised a couple of times before. 

One of the arguments for this transition is that KDE has its repository in 
SVN, and the Norwegian translators uses a lot of time syncing to an from. 
This job will be significantly easier with SVN. 

Another argument for it is that we have SVN on our repository at Alioth, why 
have two different versoning systems?

Then again, it is some work to change it, do the answer to the above questions 
outweight the negative transition problems?

Anyone else have any arguments to shed more light on this case.... 

If not, I propose we try to find a volunteer to do the job, and set a time for 
when this should be done..... A couple of days before the next 
developergathering is a day that pops in mind.


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