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announcement list for skolelinux/debian-edu ?

Lately, I've been wondering whether an announcement list for the
project might be of some use.

I assume there are more people that me who don't always have the time
for or interest in reading everything on the lists, but skim through
them from time to time.  As an example, translators and users of the
distribution may very well want to know what is going on in the
project, but may not have the inclination for long, technical

As a consequence of these observations, I propose an announcement
list.  Examples of things that may belong on this list, are messages
concerning development gatherings, courses to be held at such
gatherings, new cds (both finished versions and pre-releases) and
events at which debian-edu or skolelinux are present in some form.  I
am sure there are more things I haven't thought of.

I think the most sensible choice of language for the list would be

Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Comments?

Mari :)


Mari Wang

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