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Re: kernel headers package


On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Ragnar Wisløff wrote:

> > Does anyone know of such a card that they could recommend?
> There are several. Just make sure you have 64 bit PCI slots (you should with 
> brand new hardware), since most of the multi-NIC cards have that. Otherwsie 
> be very particular about your spec when ordering. (I've been burnt :/)

Noted thanks.  I'm, starting to think this might be the best bet.

> I think it is a shame that IBM releases a mainstream Intel server with 
> hardware that is not supported by the standard kernel, if that is what they 
> have done. So much for the dinner speeches about Linux support in that case.

It seems that some people see little or no difference between proprietary
3rd party binary drivers and standard, free kernel drivers.  I guess those
people haven't had to use/patch them much.  I'm surprised broadcom have not
released the drivers (even with limited functionality).  I would have
thought it was in their interest to smooth the use of broadcom drivers in
linux (or any OS for that matter).

> If you have not installed a separate RAID card (serveraid 6i is what I see 
> mostly in new IBM servers), then the Adaptec card on the motherboard will 
> allow you to do RAID 1 with something they call hostraid. This  hostraid 
> thing does not work. When installing the installer says it cannot find any 
> disks to partition. If you got your disks partitioned, you should be fine.

Worked totally smoothly for us.  We went through the (apparently
linux-based) CDROM config tool which asked us what sort of RAID we wanted
and offered to place Windows drivers on the disk for us (we politely
declined).  We just said 'RAID 1' and it configured that.  When we rebooted
and put the Skolelinux CD in, it just saw one drive (the RAID1 one) and
partitioned and installed on that.

> If you managed to get hostraid working I'm very keen to understand how you 
> went about it.

Right now I can't tell you any more than the above really.  I have yet to
get to installing the disk monitoring/reporting utilities which are on the


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