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Weekly report week 24, 25

Week 25 

* Meetings

- Two meetings with a service-provider 
- One meeting with www.cyberbook.no that makes electronical teaching
- A meeting with www.fronter.com about using Skolelinux in the

* The work

- Made the presentation to the IDA-s Work Shop at their OSS-conference
  in Karlsruhe in Germany.
- Have given advices on how to make schools applications OSS-compliant 
- Booking of 6 meetings
- Travel planning
- Made a requirement-plan for spell-checker, dictionaries etc.

* Stil on the draft

- Deliver a more worked on publication on a centralized operational
- Some "reorganizing" of the work with OpenOffice

Week 24

* Work 

- Done the preparation for Skolelinux under The Transit of Venus
- Launhing Skolelinux under The Transit of Venus
- Organizing the work with the launch
- Wrote servral suggestions on how to run Skolelinux on day-to-day
- Delivered a project overview on the Skolelinux-effort 

* Meetings

- The Socialistic Youth-organisation wantet to know more about
- The Skolelinux Launch in Frognerparken (lasted for two days)
- Meeting with Morten Verner about centralized operation of Skolelinux

By Knut Yrvin 21. june 2004

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