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Re: Wireframe/outline for site DebConf17

Hi all,

Sorry I'm late. I studied django for hours and could not apply the
theme as you like it.

Then follows the static html version.

I know that there is still finalizing some banners and adjustments,
but it would be possible to put into production.



Valessio Brito

2016-10-12 20:34 GMT-04:00 Valessio Brito <contato@valessiobrito.com.br>:
> Sorry I'm late,
> I made an initial proposal to site structure:
> https://s13.postimg.org/4nrtsl3s7/dc17_web.png
> SVG in git repo:
> wget https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc17.git/plain/artwork/dc17_layout-web.svg
> I would also codify this/next weekend. Please send your contributions
> and considerations until Sunday (Oct 15th).
> Cheers,
> Valessio Brito

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