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Re: [Debian-NYC] Geeky standup for Debian-NYC -- interest this week?

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Sumana Harihareswara <sumanah@panix.com> wrote:

On 04/09/2011 11:36 PM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
I am performing geeky standup comedy at a tech conference later this month, so I need to practice. I'm thinking I'd like to put on a show for Debian-NYC people -- maybe 20 minutes' worth of comedy. I will solicit bug reports afterwards. :-)

Datetimes this coming week, Monday April 11th - Friday the 15th at 7 or 8pm, are good for me. I've created a Doodle poll at http://www.doodle.com/x3pdxyxg4cnixmq8 so you can vote to tell me what dates/times are good for you; if you don't care for Doodle, please reply and let me know what times you can make.

I'm hoping I can grab Pacific Standard (If they're free, I'll book an event with them), and if they're not available then I'll find another reasonably convenient venue.


OK, this Wednesday (tomorrow) and this Friday I have some interest from a couple of people each at 7 or 8 pm. That is so tiny that I hereby request people's apartments or houses as venues. The respondents to the Google Doodle are Mike T, Micah, js, and Rick S. Can any of you volunteer your places? It looks like there would be at most three or four guests, including myself.

If no one responds by 5pm today, I'll plan on being at Pacific Standard [ http://pacificstandardbrooklyn.com ] both Wednesday and Friday nights, hoping the TV can be muted for 15-20 minutes.

(This is a very practicey workshoppy performance and I thank you if you can attend and help me fix it up. There should be a more polished one later this month or after.)

DebianNYC mailing list

Come to Heow's Big Go To South America Gathering at Lisp NYC
Eating and Drinking tonight.  I am not sure where it is, but it
is near the Port of Authority Weapons Building now rightfully
occupied by Google.  Notice below.


 Reply-To: secretary@lxny.org
 Subject: Tuesday 12 April 2011: NYLUG HackFest, and Lisp NYC, with remote Michael Bohn and near Heow Goodman

   what="two official announcements"
   first="NYLUG HackFest,
          see first announcement for more information"
   second="Lisp NYC with remote
           Michael Bohn on Acheron,
           Common Lisp's [Google Web Toolkit]-like Thing,
           and after,
           eating and drinking with here and now Heow Goodman"
   rsvp="requested for first part, first part only, of
         Lisp NYC meeting, see second announcement"
   announcements-separator="***** .... *****">

  < ... />

  Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 09:36:51 -0400
  From: Heow Goodman <heow@alphageeksinc.com>
  To: LispNYC <lisp@lispnyc.org>
  Subject: [Lisp] Reminder Lisp Meeting: April 12th, 7:00 at Google AND live webcast

  Join us Tuesday April 12th from 7:00 to 9:00 at Google AND live webcast

       RSVP for Google: http://lispnyc.org/meeting/rsvp
   or join the webcast: http://bbb.brandorr.com/

  This is our first presentation webcast live at 7:00 EST, 11:00 UTC at
  http://bbb.brandorr.com/  (no webcast registration needed)

  Live from Germany, Michael Bohn presents: Acheron, Common Lisp's Google
  Web Toolkit

  Acheron compiles [a subset of] Common Lisp directly to JavaScript where
  it can be executed natively in nearly any web browser.

  Similar to the strategy implemented by the Google Web Toolkit, Acheron
  allows you to avoid the perils of JavaScript and use tools such as a
  REPL in this interesting new JavaScript compiler.

  Michael Bohn studied computer science at the Trier University of Applied
  Sciences, Germany and he now works there as a researcher of real-time
  systems and static program analysis.   Michael dedicated both his
  bachelor and masters thesis to Lisp topics: Dandelion (a Eclipse-based
  editor for Common Lisp) and Acheron.

  More info:


    Google, 9th Ave Entrance
    76 Ninth Ave
    on the 4th floor in the Baker Field room

  Google RSVP:

  Lisp mailing list


DebianNYC mailing list

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