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Bug#1030189: Let regular users know need to put non-free-firmware in sources.list

On Wed, Feb 1, 2023 at 3:36 PM Sven Joachim <svenjoac@gmx.de> wrote:
> The release notes for Bookworm should and will certainly mention that.
> I think this is where this bug is actually actionable, so I am
> reassigning it there.
> > Yes, he should be regularly subscribed to debian-user, but that's too
> > much.
> I have sent a heads-up message[1] there a few days ago, but as you said it
> got lost in all the other topics discussed there.
> > Or https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/, but that's too many boring
> > messages too.
> There was not even a prominent notice there, at least not in the past
> few weeks.
> > Yes, he uses apt-listchanges, but that won't tell him this.
> >
> > So I'm saying that Debian needs a mechanism to have his computer tell
> > him to do this.
> >
> > Maybe the next time he uses apt*, somehow the system should tell him...
> Somehow, but how exactly?  Good question that was brought up on
> debian-devel[2], alas without replies yet.
I got bitten by this, and only noticed it when my system's firmware packages showed up in the output of "apt list ~g".
I'm sure I'm missing something, but why weren't transitional packages left in non-free that depend on the new versions in non-free-firmware? Perhaps they could also depend on a source-list-modifying package so the next upgrade doesn't break.

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