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Re: Release Notes: What's new [patch] (was Re: Release Notes: Commands in examples [patch])

On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 05:20:30PM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> Please let me know if this modified text is OK with you and I will
> commit both changes.

Looks good. How about saying the (approximate) number of removed packages? 
In any case we have to add a section (maybe after reboot) related to how to 
find orphaned and/or obsolete packages. I mentioned this in a mail a few 
months back. Although adding the full list of replaced packages (dummy 
packages will need to be removed) and/or the list of removed packages is 
overkilled, some steps on how to find those packages and effectively remove 
them from the system would be in order.

Maybe something similar to what you can read in 

Of course, aptitutde should (again) be recommended. But with the caveat 
that if you have not used it in woody you will not have the advantage of it 
tracking which packages did you manually install (one of the biggest 
differences between checking aptitude's obsolete package list and running 

I'll try to provide a patch for this soon...



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