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Re: request for update privileges

Frank Lenaerts <lenaerts.frank@pandora.be> writes:

> I have been reviewing the "Securing Debian Manual", checked out
> (anonymous) the ddp/manuals.sgml source tree, made some changes to
> securing-debian-howto.sgml, built the manual (to verify my changes)
> and would like to merge my updates with the version in the
> repository. 
> As stated on http://www.debian.org/doc/cvs#obtaining I thus request
> you to give me update privileges:
> login: lenaertf

That documentation is a little wrong.  I prefer a GPG-crypted email
using my public key <aph@debian.org> from the Debian keyring,
containing a preferred username, an alternative username, and a
password (crypted or not).  Thanks.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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