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Re: Validating tarballs against git repositories

Hi Guillem (2024.03.30_04:41:37_+0000)
> > 1. Move towards allowing, and then favoring, git-tags over source tarballs
> I assume you mean git archives out of git tags? Otherwise how do you
> go from git-tag to a source package in your mind?

There are some issues with transforming upstream's git-centric world
into tarballs for Debian source packages, that are worth bearing in mind.

The upstream git repository has some extra metadata available that
upstream build tools start depending on. Things like: versions, tracked
files, and ignored files.

This came up in the Python world, where setuptools-scm has become more
popular over the years. This is a plugin for setuptools that extracts
some metadata from the git repository:
1. Determine the current version. Historically, specified in setup.py.
2. Determine the data files that should be shipped in the installed
   package. Historically, these were specified in a MANIFEST.in file,
   but developers got lazy and delegated this problem to git.

Currently we set the version for packages that depend on 1 by an
environment variable that setuptools-scm will consume.

For packages that get file lists from git, it's a little more complex.
setuptools writes a foo.eggi-info/SOURCES.txt into source artifacts that
it produces (sdists). When this file is present, it's used as a list of

So... for Python packages using setuptools-scm, we're pushed towards
depending on upstream-created source tarballs (sdists), rather than
upstream git archives, because we don't have the ".git" directory in our
source packages.

I can imagine that other ecosystems would run into similar problems and
solve them by inventing similar protocols, if they solve them at all.
Upstreams would probably prefer that we used git repositories *directly*
as source artifacts, but that comes with a whole other can of worms...

Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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