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Re: Run Debian packaging tasks remotely with debusine.debian.net

Hi Colin,

Am Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 11:41:27AM +0000 schrieb Colin Watson:
> > Speaking about Salsa CI:  I would like to do what Enrico mentioned to
> > somehow re-run building some Salsa commit using sbuild and (optionally)
> > the autopkgtest on the result.
> We don't have direct support for building from git yet.  Ian asked about
> that in Cambridge, and it's certainly a good idea though not currently
> in the funded plan - Raphaël gave a more detailed response starting from
> around 30:27 in the mini-DebConf video.

Well, I've heard that question (would have had the same when watching
the talk).  I was hoping that the time between the talk and the
annoucement here would have brought something new. ;-)
> However, you can always build a source package from the commit in
> question, upload it to debusine, then start creating work requests from
> there.
> (This will become more interesting once we have collections and
> workflows properly in place; that will allow doing things like running
> autopkgtests of all the reverse-dependencies of a change you're
> experimenting with.)

This kind of stuff - something like "`rott` but not on my local machine"
would be the most interesting thing for me to use debusine.
> > >   https://freexian-team.pages.debian.net/debusine/tutorials/getting-started-with-debusine.html
> > 
> > This doc brought me just to creating the chroot.
> It goes on to describe "debusine import-debian-artifact", which you can
> use to upload packages to debusine, and "debusine create-work-request
> sbuild" based on a chroot you've created.
> We're definitely still at the stage where you have to poke around quite
> a bit to figure out exactly how to submit jobs, though.

Thank you for your patient explanation


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