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Re: How to select an interpretor version?

Geert Stappers, you have misunderstood my problem.

I want to support ALL interpreters available in Debian (Perl, Python, Ruby, 
Java, etc.)

I need to make supporting all interpreters and all their versions 
manageable. My question is how to support it all, specifically when a user 
explicitly specifies a version range.


- name of programming language

- the range of versions of the programming language

- the location of a script in this language


- the command line to run the script

Note that if several version match, I'd prefer to use the latest matching 

Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 02:41:04PM +0300, Victor Porton wrote:
>> I have an interpreter name (say "Python") and an interval of versions
>> (say "2.5 - 2.6").
>> Based on this data I need to select the python executable among installed
>> files, if available.
> That "problem" is solved by '#!/usr/bin/env python'
>> The rule of the "game" is that I write a data file (preferably in
>> RDF/Turtle format) which describes all available version of Python (and
>> other interpreters).
> That seems like the (wrong??) mindset "I have problem, so I add
> something".
>> My question is advice how to do it, in a practical way.
>> For example, if I understand correctly /usr/bin/python on some systems
>> may mean Python 2.x and on some systems Python 3.x.
>> Is there any "standard" to avoid such multiple meanings of an executable
>> located in the same path of the filesystem? In Debian, are there always
>> more specific paths like /usr/bin/python2.7 or /usr/bin/python3.1?
>> Also, does it make sense to parse output of `dpkg -p`? or is it better to
>> write RDF config files manually?
> I think the original poster needs to elaborate the "problem"
> Regards
> Geert Stappers
> P.S.  it is interpreter

Victor Porton - http://portonvictor.org

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